Why Every Entrepreneur Needs a Business Mentor

Making the decision to take on a business mentor can be a bit of a challenge. Finding out why you may need a business mentor and simply finding the best mentor for you can also be a challenge. Relying on a business mentor can be beneficial for several aspects in your life—professional development, personal development, mental development, […]

Refreshing Your Personal Brand

Whether you are an entrepreneur or corporate queen, taking time to build your personal brand is crucial to growing your career in today’s market. You may think your reputation is enough to get your foot in the door, and in some cases it is, however alongside your reputation is another “r” word we like to call: Reach. And […]

Here’s What You Need to Know When Preparing for your Business Pitch

Two minutes – You probably wait longer for coffee at your local shop every morning. Two minutes can seem like a very short time, but if you’re pitching your small business for funding and investors – it can seem like a lifetime. How many times have you found yourself in the “hotseat” of pitching and advocating for […]

7 Budgeting Questions to Keep Your Spending in Check

The money talk can be such a cringey topic—but it doesn’t have to be. You can rewire your brain and the way you think about money by simply educating yourself and asking yourself questions that guide you towards positive thinking. Sure, we all love spending money, and if we could have an unlimited supply of it without any […]

4 Tips to Help You Politely (and Professionally) Say No

When work becomes overwhelming, you may begin to feel the pressure of everything fall down upon you. Being a yes-man at your workplace is detrimental to your growth as an employee. Sure, some of us may suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out), but simply saying “yes” because you’re afraid of missing out is only hurting yourself in the […]

What We’re Talking About This Week

The world is moving fast and we are doing our part to share the most need-to-know moments happening this week:  One year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. See our post here on how you can remember the life of George Floyd while also setting boundaries on what you images and media you consume throughout the […]

Here’s When You Know it’s Time to Say No

When work becomes overwhelming, you may begin to feel the pressure of everything fall down upon you. Being a yes-man at your workplace is detrimental to your growth as an employee. Sure, some of us may suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out), but simply saying “yes” because you’re afraid of missing out is only hurting yourself in the […]

Black Women at Work

At Boss Women Media, we talk a lot about prioritizing our mental and physical wellbeing. We do so unapologetically because we understand the nuance of being a woman of color on the go – whether that be raising children, making boss moves at work or both. Over the past few weeks, our team has been […]

Start Up Hustler: Laura K. Wise, The BFF Network

Venturing out on your own can be intimidating for many reasons. But when you’ve got  purpose followed by passion and skill, anything is possible. Laura K. Wise understands what it’s like to toggle between a corporate queen and side hustler; and knows the effects of a “desk job” that limits her skills. In this interview, […]