3 Tips to Prepare for Your Next Employee Evaluation


So the time has come around yet again.  It’s time for your next employee evaluation and anxiety starts to creep up slowly.  What will happen?  Will you get that raise?  Are you going to be tasked with more projects and more work?  Whatever the situation we have you covered!  Here are 3 tips to prepare for your next employee evaluation at work.  Leave the stress at the door and walk in with your head high like a boss!

Preparing For Your Next Employee Evaluation



Tip 1: Measure the impact of your work

Sometimes we do so much at work throughout the year it is hard to keep track of everything.  Lucky for you we are giving you a 3-step approach for keeping track of the work you’ve done and measuring how it impacts your role at your company.

Step 1: Complete a brain dump and write down everything you have been responsible for over the period for which you are being evaluated. This could be the past quarter or past year. Don’t leave any stone unturned.  This includes daily or weekly tasks, things inside your job responsibilities and of course anything outside of your role.

Step 2: Write a list of accomplishments you’ve achieved and/or projects you’ve completed. This is different from step 1, where you are just listing responsibilities.  Here we want action and accomplishments.  Did you participate in a call that helped land a huge account? List that too! While it might not seem like a big deal to you at the time if your contribution helped this is something worth referencing.

Step 3: Connect the dots. Next, to the list of accomplishments map how these things tie to your company’s strategic goals or your department’s goals.  This is valuable data to give to your manager.  Presenting this will show how your work impacts the company and shows your manager you are thinking about your role with the company long term.  Next to your list of responsibilities also highlight the responsibilities that are part of your job description and responsibilities above and beyond your role.

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Tip #2: Proactively ask for feedback

If you are waiting for your yearly evaluation to ask for feedback you are already behind the curve. The first time you hear from your boss should not be at evaluation time when it affects your raise or promotion potential.

If routine check-ins are not already scheduled, ask if you can set it up a recurring meeting to monitor your work over a consistent time frame.  Don’t be afraid of feedback.  Constructive criticism is and should be your best friend.  Maybe you are amazing at what you do but there’s always an area for improvement.

Tip #3. Do your research and check yourself before asking for a raise 

Ask yourself: Am I going above and beyond or just doing my job? We all want more money of course, but you don’t get promoted for just doing your job.  Remove the vocabulary “I deserve” from your thoughts if you are doing exactly the responsibilities assigned and are paid on time for them.  Employers promote people most likely when you are already doing the responsibilities of the promotional role you seek.

Also, before you barge into your next evaluation demanding for more money, spend some time and do your research.  What is the company’s history for promotions and what is the average percentage for salary increases?  What is the industry average salary for your role? Glassdoor is a great resource for determining salaries.  Does your company only promote people to management roles if they have a professional degree?  Some companies adopt this rule so as a result, it would be extremely helpful for you to know.

If you are ready to move forward and ask for that raise, go back to Tip #1 and reference all of the things you’ve accomplished and what impact it has made on the company.  Hopefully, this gives you a bit more leverage and if nothing else the confidence in knowing your worth and what you bring to the table.  If things do not work in your favor, you now have the information you need to update your resume and move forward with possibly a new employer.

What are some tips you use when preparing for your employee evaluations at work?  Comment and let us know!

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