Scared or Overwhelmed? How to Remain Calm During COVID-19

In such uncertain times as these, you may be feeling a bit scared, overwhelmed or anxious about what the future may look like. One thing is for sure, you aren’t alone. There are many resources and tips to help us remain calm during COVID-19.

With an increase in the concern of what life may look like during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to help and encourage you to remain calm and optimistic as we are far more resilient than we may give ourselves credit for.

While we all may be feeling or experiencing the feeling of being scared and overwhelmed differently, here are a few strategies you can incorporate daily into helping you manage your anxiety and remain calm during COVID-19.   

4 Ways to Remain Calm During COVID-19

Know the facts

When you are aware of the facts about something, it tends to alleviate the feeling of fear and uncertainty. Even if the facts may be bit difficult to swallow, make sure you know them and are educated on the truth and not misinformation. Feeling overwhelmed and anxious tends to stem from filling your brain with fantasies and “what-ifs”, but if you are knowledgeable on the subject, then it’s harder to let those “what-ifs” take over your thoughts.

A few ways to go about making sure you separate the facts from fiction is to avoid unregulated news sources and instead rely on those that are verified with factual information.

Identify the sources of why you may feel scared or overwhelmed

Sometimes, simply identifying what it is that makes us feel scared or overwhelmed during this time is what we need. If you are able to identify what it is, you can then begin to get some distance from it, allowing ease and tranquility to take over.

Create a visual list of coping skills

Once you’re able to identity the sources of your fear and anxiety, make a list of things you currently do or would like to do to combat your fear and remain calm. A few ideas may include talking to friends and family, exercising, praying, reading, yoga, meditating, painting and other creative activities, listening to music, positive self-affirmations, cooking, online shopping, deep-breathing exercises, or journaling are all things people use to cope during these times.

Refrain from exposing yourself to anxiety-producing news

This is a BIG one! During a time like this, it is very important to stay up-to-date with the news and current events of COVID-19, however it’s also just as important to decide whether or not to watch it. Constantly being on social media or having the news play in the background can be extremely overwhelming especially at a time like this. Be mindful of the amount of negative news you are allowing your mind to indulge in, because these too have an effect on you feeling anxious and fearful.

What are some things you’re doing to keep your cool during our new normal? Share with us in the comments below!


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