How to Define Your Personal Brand In Corporate America

Marty McDonald Boss Women Who Brunch

It may seem daunting figuring out what your brand is when you work in the corporate space.  But it is critical that you set yourself apart for everyone else. I am going to share 3 easy steps on how to brand yourself. And remember you are not locked into anything.  It can and will evolve over time.

Step 1: Make a List:

This list should be all about your key assets. We like to call them “reasons to believe you are the bomb” Aim for 7-10 words. Dig deep and write words that express who you are at core.  Express your greatest strengths and skills.  What do you enjoy doing the most?  When do you feel in the zone?  What tasks give you the most satisfaction?  Those are your strengths and your RTBYATB (reasons to believe you are the bomb)

Step 2: Make a Brand Statement:

Take your list that you wrote out and compress it down.  For me, my personal list was: motivator, empowerer, ideator, cultivator, women’s expert in owning your worth, advocate for the under-represented woman, speaker, marketer.  From there it was easy to come up with a brand statement: Marty is the authority on empowering women to cultivate the life of their dreams!

Now, your turn.

Step 3: Step Back and Assess

People who have branded themselves usual offer something no one else does.  And they don’t try to be all things to all people.  You need to pick a lane but not one that’s crowded with people.  Is your brand distinctive enough?  Resist the urge to be good at everything.  If your brand doesn’t feel distinctive enough, consider how you might focus more tightly to give a unique edge. Once this is defined, you MUST own it and be ruthless promoting it!


Want more gems to help guide you through Corporate America.  Check out our Corporate Women Unite Brunch, June 23rd, 2018.

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