Boss Women Media Presents: 1,400+ Black-Owned Businesses Directory

Now more than ever, it is vital that we come together in support of Black-Owned Small Businesses. Boss Women Media is doing our part in making sure we give these Black-Owned Businesses a spotlight for ANYONE to shop! Listed is the Black Owned-Businesses Directory based on categories, that are openly ready and available for you […]
Boss Women Media Crowdfunding Campaign
Hey Girl Hey! Boss Women Media has grown over the past 3 years! We show up day after day to provide inspiration, motivation and education to our community of over 100,000+ women! We recently launched a membership program to give our community even more resources and tools to thrive in their careers. We need funding […]
3 Misconceptions about Having a Side-Hustle
How many times have you caught yourself sitting at your desk, fantasizing about finally starting your side-hustle? Being able to take your creative passion and fuel it into something that you are truly proud to call your own? And then—reality sets back in and you realize you’re still sitting at your cubicle, indulging in your […]
5-Step Guide For Mapping Out How Women of Color Can Take Their Business to the Next Level in the Time of COVID-19 Presented by Hello Alice and Boss Women Media

As a small business owner, you may find yourself struggling with finding ways to utilize your time to take your business to the next level. Between juggling endless tasks with employees and clients to keeping track of every other thing on your never-ending to-do list—how can you find ways to still manage and balance it […]
4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your IG Live Sessions
COVID-19 has not only brought about a new normal for many of us, but it has also caused a huge increase in social media presence and how everyone is interacting with it. There’s been a great increase in the number of Instagram Live sessions that have taken place over the course of this pandemic. From […]
What Will Life Look Like For Small Businesses Post Pandemic?
Since the start of the pandemic, a lot has drastically changed within the last couple of months. It’s almost as if the world has completely stopped as communities are being affected by the spread of the coronavirus across each corner of the globe. These times have become extremely difficult for entrepreneurs and business owners, being […]
4 Ways Businesses Can Stay Connected with their Audience
As business owners, many of us are finding ourselves somewhat stagnant and unconnected from our audience. We’re implementing everything we possibly can to make sure we are staying connected with our audience right now, however—times are still tough. Now more than ever, consumers are constantly on the internet searching for updated information about businesses. Is […]
How to Keep Your Small Business On Track

For small business owners, keeping your small business on track is so important in times like this. How are you delegating tasks and prioritizing what’s important to your business at this very moment? How are you preparing for the future of your business during this time? These are all questions you should be asking yourself […]
5 Free Tools for Entrepreneurs to Build their Brand
Let’s face it, entrepreneurship is one of the many trial and error feats several of us may face in life. From trying to figure out how to run your business to making sure you hire the right employees and team—being an entrepreneur can be a challenging journey. Because entrepreneurship comes with its challenges, there are […]
Boss Connectors Presents: Where My Girls At?! IG Live Recap
This Friday night, we had the privilege of honoring our Boss Connectors Ambassadors in an IG Live Event, Where My Girls At?! The Boss Women Media team handpicked a total of 15 influencers from various parts of the United States who have and are currently demonstrating the WHY behind the creation of what it means […]