5 Inexpensive & Creative Ideas to Help Market Your Business

How much time did you spend developing your marketing plan this year?  As a side hustler or entrepreneur, we all know funds can be extremely tight.  Statistics say it takes at least 3-5 years for a small business to turn a profit.   Some businesses will not even make it to the 3-year mark.

Marketing is no small feat and to have real success a marketing plan is crucial. It is not enough to post to social media you must have a robust plan from email, to paid ads, and everything in between.  To help ensure you are on track and making smart money moves for your business, here are 5 inexpensive and creative ideas to market your business.

1. Implemental A Referral Program

One of the most influential marketing tactics is not a new one at all.  People are still more likely to purchase something if a friend has referred it and sung their praises of the brand.  Take it a step forward and implement a formal referral program. People also love receiving discounts for telling other people about products they love. Not only does this create customer loyalty it has the possibility of helping your brand go viral. Below are a few referral programs to check out.  Also, if part of your marketing plan is to collaborate with social media influencers, Refersion is a great way to track their progress.

2. Host A “Tag Your Friends” Giveaway On Instagram

There’s no way of getting around Instagram as part of your marketing plan. While trying to increase followers can be a headache, there are still ways to get your page noticed by those who have never heard of your business.  

Instagram is all about engagement. The more likes, the more comments and the more profile views you receive, the algorithm works in your favor. Host a giveaway by requiring your followers to tag 2 friends to be entered into the giveaway.  This will effectively draw more attention to your page and entice others to refer your page to their friends as well. But…the giveaway must be worthwhile do don’t skip on making that part amazing.

3. Collaborate With A Complimenting Brand

Behind every successful woman is another woman cheering her on.  Here at Boss Women Media we are all about collaboration over competition. Trust us ladies, there’s enough coin out here for everyone to win!

Seek out a complementing brand for your business and work together to develop a unique marketing campaign to help both of you succeed.  One of our favorite current collaborations is with our Boss So Hard Podcast guest Dayna Bolden and Mess In A Bottle.  Dayna worked with owner Kalilah Wright of Mess In A Bottle to create her own line of merchandise for an event she hosted.

4. Take A Stand On A Controversial Topic In Your Industry

More than ever before, consumers are drawn to brands that stand for something.  People want to know how your business treats customers, which political leaders you support and what you think about women’s and LGBTQ rights.  While this can be a slippery slope for some businesses, being transparent and showing the human side of your brand has major upsides as well.

Proof of this is the recent backlash Victoria’s Secret gained by not being body inclusive during their annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Their Chief Marketing Officer made critical remarks and body shamed plus size women according to some.  Heidi Zak, CEO of Third Love, decided to speak out against Victoria’s Secret’s choice not to employ plus size models and made headlines across the nation.

5. Create A Video Series Centered Around Your Brand

If your marketing plan doesn’t include video fix that right now.  You do not have to break the bank to create an impactful video content plan – you just need to strategically think it through. Ask yourself, what are the things my consumers struggle with the most? What are their pain points? How does my brand fix that?  Afterwards, create a video series surrounding that to drive traffic back to your website. Here are a few video ideas:

  • Ask the Owner Series
  • Weekly Product Demo Videos
  • Behind The Scenes

Pull out that Iphone and start recording today! 

Which one of these ideas will you be implementing in your marketing plan over the upcoming months?

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