4 Ways Businesses Can Stay Connected with their Audience

As business owners, many of us are finding ourselves somewhat stagnant and unconnected from our audience. We’re implementing everything we possibly can to make sure we are staying connected with our audience right now, however—times are still tough.

Now more than ever, consumers are constantly on the internet searching for updated information about businesses. Is your business open? Have your business hours changed? Are you implementing social distancing practices? This list goes on and on and everyone is in search of answers.


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While you can’t simply create a sense of community out of thin air—you can still offer your support by deploying content to help your audience feel a bit more connected to your business.

Here are four free things you as a business owner can do right now for your business to stay connected with your audience and make sure they’re getting the most up-to-date information.

Staying Connected with Your Audience

  1. Keep your website information up-to-date

Like many businesses, customers are constantly wondering if you’re open or even offering your services during these times. This is information that should be easily accessible on your website. Because it’s something many people will constantly be in search of, it should be on the front page and one of the very first things they see. Whether that’s a pop-up or banner—make it easy for your customers to see all of this important and need-to-know information.

  1. Utilize instant replies

Utilizing your instant replies on your social media platforms is an easy and free way to virtually connect with your audience. By using these instant replies, you are able to inform your customers that you will get back to them within a few hours. This is not only convenient for your business, but it also helps establish credibility, reliability and even builds relationships and trust among you and your audience.    

  1. Increase your social media presence

Whether you realize it or not, many of your customers are currently online more than ever right now. This presents the perfect opportunity for you as a business owner to step up your social media presence. Work on implementing a content and marketing strategy where your team is constantly posting news, updates, interactive polls, virtual events and other things to keep your audience engaged.

  1. Update your Google listing

Updating your Google business listing is another resource that allows your customers to find out information about your business fast. People aren’t huge fans of having to dig through loads of information and pages to find the answer to whatever it is they are looking for, so to cut down on them having to do this, make sure you’re informing them through your Google My Business listing.

As states begin to reopen and phase in slowly, it’s still extremely important for business owners to implement these tactics in order to stay connected with their audience. Share with us in the comments below how you’re managing to connect with your audience and if you found these four tips helpful!

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