3 Ways to Empower Your Drive Presented by Park Place

We are all busy going from A to B to C in our cars. Often in those commutes, we are not getting the most out of our driver’s seat. We at Boss Women have found that our drive times can actually be a tool to propel us forward in our careers.  With the tips below, we can help not be a frustrated passenger of the long-dreaded commute, but instead, use the car as a space to gather information to you feed your soul.

We have partnered with Park Place to share our tips around getting the most out of your drive. Read through and then go ahead— take the wheel. Your mindfulness and your career is all about the journey.

1. Podcast, Podcast and More Podcast

We can’t get enough of a good podcast! We look for podcasts that are inspiring, motivating and informative. Here favorites you need to subscribe to today and listen to on that daily commute:

1. Side Hustle Pro Podcast
2. The Goal Digger Podcast
3. Super Soul Sunday Podcast
4. How I Built This Podcast
5. Boss So Hard Podcast (okay okay, this isn’t an objective add to the list, but we interview some of the most amazing women and dish out some major inspiration on this podcast. Give it a listen!)

2. Tunes that Boost Your Confidence

Music that inspires… you know the songs that you can bounce to while driving. There is something about a good tune that you shamelessly sing to the top of your lungs. Hit Spotify and turn on the channel of none other than Beyonce. You will walk into the office full of confidence after listening to “Who Run the World…Girls” and that confidence will have you soon be on your way to running the world like a #bosswoman.

3. A Little Zin Never Hurt No One

Taking that final deep breath before your stiletto hits the pavement to go into the office. Sometimes we need to cut off the music and podcast and immerse ourselves in silence. Rather than viewing your commute as annoying, frustrating or a waste of time, choose to shift your mindset to seeing alone time in the car as a gift of time. You don’t need a formal setting to be mindful. You don’t need a cushion to breathe and observe what is arising.

These tips will not only make our drive a little more interesting, but we will also be ready to take control to cultivate the career of our dreams all thanks to Park Place. Plus, Park Place have some of the best technology specialists in their stores to help anyone sync their devices to one of their 17 brands of luxury cars so you can listen to your #BossWomen podcasts & playlists all while empowering your drive!

So how do you get the most out of your drive? Tell us in the comments below!

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