How to Reach Your Savings Goal as a Millennial
Being a millennial on the journey to saving money can be, well—just plain hard. When you factor in things such as student loans, credit card debt, and sometimes having to live paycheck to paycheck—saving can unintentionally be at the back of your mind. While some millennials may believe financial budgeting isn’t important at this stage […]
4 Self-Care Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs
When you first decide you want to start a business, you may not initially take into consideration just how large and never-ending the workload will be. Many people take the road of entrepreneurship for the money, and without thinking about all of the other factors—the money is what motivates them to begin their journey. As a business owner, […]
5 Ways to Unwind in Q2
Stress is a normal part of life, but you don’t have to let it control your life. Facing your stressors and deciding to not allow them to take over your life is the key to de-stressing. De-stressing can be fun and relaxing (of course depending on how you tackle it), and we’re going to show […]
3 Common Questions Entrepreneurs Ask Themselves
From the outside looking in, working for yourself may seem like the ultimate dream come true. You’re granted the freedom to evolve and grow your business to your desire, hire and fire who you want, move at your own pace and speed, and make all the necessary decisions without having to answer to anyone above you. However—solopreneurship […]
What We’re Talking About This Week
The world is moving fast and we are doing our part to share the most need-to-know moments happening this week: One year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. See our post here on how you can remember the life of George Floyd while also setting boundaries on what you images and media you consume throughout the […]
Protecting Our Peace While Remembering George Floyd
This Tuesday, May 25 marks the one year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. George was more than a figure head that marked the racial justice movement of 2021. He was more than just a “wake up” call to America. He was a man, a father, a son, a brother. He was human. As we head […]