Turning Obstacles into Storytelling Moments that Inspire Black Women Presented by Amazon BBA

As a business owner, obstacles are undeniable – they’re bound to happen, but it’s all about how you react to those said obstacles. Finding the strength to turn those obstacles into storytelling moments that inspire not only you but other Black women is what those moments are all about. How can you use your obstacles and challenges to inspire the next woman and generation to come?

When you realize and understand that your obstacles are teaching moments for the women in your circle, that’s when you understand that the obstacles aren’t definitive. Here are 3 things you can do to turn your obstacles into storytelling moments that inspire Black women, presented by Amazon Black Business Accelerator.

3 Ways You Can Turn Your Obstacles into Storytelling Moments that Inspire Black Women

  1. Use those obstacles as teaching moments

Instead of viewing the obstacle as a negative, use those obstacles to teach others around you from making those same mistakes. Obstacles are always teaching moments and you never know who you may be helping by teaching them about the things you’ve overcome.

  1. Pivot those obstacles into opportunities

Obstacles aren’t always a challenge. Learn to pivot your obstacles into opportunities. Just because something didn’t work out one way doesn’t mean there isn’t a greater opportunity another way.

  1. Stay moving, always

Obstacles can seem more intimidating than what they truly are. Instead of stopping when faced with an obstacle, learn how to keep pushing forward and attack those obstacles with courage and action.

We’re all faced with obstacles, but how we pivot and turn those obstacles into storytelling moments that inspire Black women is key. To learn more about Amazon’s Black Business Accelerator and how they’re inspiring Black women, visit Amazon.com/bba.

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One Response

  1. Your article “Turning Obstacles into Storytelling Moments” right on time! Giving me the strength to keep going and not to give up!!’ This moment had me screaming “ Jesus Take The Wheel!!!” I now have moments to share with my sistah-community to keep them going too!

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