Planning Ahead: Get 2023 Goals on Paper Presented by Amazon BBA

As we approach Q4, it’s never too early to plan ahead. While this year begins to quickly wrap, we’re looking to 2023 to align our goals and make sure we’re on the path to accomplishing them. We’ve partnered with Amazon’s Black Business Accelerator to share with you three ways to get your 2023 goals on paper ahead of the new year.

Three Ways to Get Your 2023 Goals on Paper

  1. Be specific in the steps you take

Now is the time to be specific in the exact steps you will take to accomplish your 2023 goals. Asking yourself the following questions:

  • What will I do specifically to reach my goals throughout the new year?
  • What will my outcome need to be?
  • Are there any additional factors that may hinder me from reaching my goals?
  1. Ensure Your Goals are Measurable

When you set measurable goals, you have something to go up against. Whatever your goals for 2023 may be, make sure they are both measurable and attainable. Being able to measure your goals will show you the success of each goal and what all you’ve accomplished throughout the year.

  1. Set Your Goals for Y-O-U and no one else

Planning ahead and setting these goals should be something you’re doing for yourself. When you set your goals for yourself, you aren’t putting expectations on anyone else, so in turn you aren’t setting yourself up for disappoint. Setting goals for yourself makes it a lot easier to tolerate and pace as long as you’re holding yourself accountable.

Once you understand the specific steps you will need to take when planning ahead and getting your goals on paper for 2023, you will be able to scale your goals accordingly.

To learn more about Amazon’s Black Business Accelerator and goal setting, visit

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