Managing Your Side Hustle All While Working Your Full-Time Gig

You enjoy your job, but your true passion is elsewhere. Working with others is enjoyable, but working with your close friends and like-minded individuals that share the same interests as you sounds more intriguing. Making a little extra money is never a bad thing. Being able to set your own schedule on your own time is something that constantly crosses your mind. If any of these things sound relatable to you, then you may be trying to find a way to manage your side hustle all while balancing your 9 to 5. Below are four tips that can help you manage your time in between your passions and full-time gig:

Allocate your time accordingly

A set schedule and time-frame for your side hustle outside of your full-time gig is extremely important when trying to balance them both. If you know your full-time schedule is consistent throughout the entire week, allocating time for your side hustle around that set schedule will help with creating time to complete both. You don’t want to feel like you’re stretching or overextending yourself throughout the day—allocating your time  accordingly will eliminate this feeling.

Having a helping hand (business partner)

If there’s one thing you’ve learned throughout your professional career is the fact that you can’t do everything by yourself. Having someone that’s trustworthy and reliable in your corner makes things easier and less stressful. Being able to have someone that is available at times that you may not be available, as well as someone who understands and shares the same passion as you for your side hustle is someone that you want on your team.

Align your passion (side hustle) with your 9 to 5

There’s a quote that says, “if you’re everywhere, you’re nowhere.” This is extremely applicable when trying to manage your full-time gig and side hustle. If your side hustle is somewhat aligned with your 9 to 5, then managing both at the same time becomes simultaneous and causes you to keep your focus within the same realm.

Remain focused and balanced

Don’t lose sight of your goal—whatever that may be. Remaining focused and finding a balance between your side hustle and full-time gig is important. It’s easy to allow procrastination to creep up in the background when trying to accomplish goals for both your passion and 9 to 5. Eliminating these distractions, and instead focusing your attention on setting goals, completing tasks and checking things off of your to-do list will make for a consistent balance between your side hustle and full-time gig.

With the help and incorporation of these four tips, managing your side hustle and full-time gig will instantly become second nature!

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