How to Unite Your Remote Team During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As of now, many companies have transitioned to working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies are asking their employees to work from home in an effort to flatten the curve and slow down the spread of the virus. This sudden change has created a few new challenges for companies to connect with their teams, remotely. How will you manage your workforce and team remotely all while still being successful and productive?

Here are a few helpful tips on how you can unite your remote team while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic to maximize stability for your company and employees.

Tips to Unite Your Remote Team

  1. Be transparent

Communication and transparency are some of the biggest challenges companies experience, especially while working remotely. Issues that could be solved quickly face-to-face are quickly becoming long and drawn out if someone isn’t constantly looking at their email.

To combat these things, this is where sharing information transparently comes into place. Find ways to give your employees tools to stay in constant communication and make sure you schedule enough virtual meetings with the entire team, so everyone can disseminate key information needed to maintain a running and working business.        

  1. Establish a leadership team

Your leadership team will be the backbone in making sure they hold everyone accountable during this time period.

Because shifting an entire company to a remote work setting may possibly stir a shockwave of change, elect a few individuals that can communicate and serve as resources for those that may have questions.

One main objective of the leadership team is to make sure they are keeping up with the challenges faced and finding solutions to those challenges.

  1. Create a communication plan

Being that communication is so vital in times like this, it’s best to have a set plan in place. Creating an environment where your team can reach out and be open to you will help everyone embrace the shift to remote in a less stressful and intimidating way.

Having an open communication plan also shows your team that informal communication is acceptable, as long as it’s important. Because everyone on your team may not be used to working remotely, some may require more frequent updates and reminders than others, which is why a communication plan in real time is a perfect tool to utilize.

  1. Incorporate light-hearted moments

With so many negative things being portrayed in the media, at times like this, we can all use and appreciate light-hearted moments. Yes, this current situation is extremely serious and should be treated that way, but it’s OK to be humorous and positive during this time too.

Share those funny memes and jokes with your employees, not everyone has to participate in these humorous moments, but inform your team that they are still allowed and acceptable during these times—laughter is truly something that unites us all.

  1. Encourage cultural change

Many of us are naturally resistant to change—especially the kind of change that is just thrown upon us and forces us to make sudden decisions during uncertain times. One important aspect of uniting your remote team during this time is to empower everyone to embrace and contribute to the success of being remote.

Recognize that working remotely is a transition process for all parties involved, and the management of a remote team comes down to being transparent, having open communication and being supportive of everyone affected.

If you found these five tips helpful in guiding you on uniting your remote team, make sure you connect with us @bosswomenmedia and subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

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