What Taking Advantage of Social Media Can do for Your Brand
We live in a social media driven world where we’re constantly posting the latest pictures to our Instagram feeds, retweeting the juiciest news and trends on our twitter, and creating the most memorable Facebook posts. But what if we had that same energy when promoting our side hustle and establishing a positive and influential social media […]
Refreshing Your Personal Brand

Whether you are an entrepreneur or corporate queen, taking time to build your personal brand is crucial to growing your career in today’s market. You may think your reputation is enough to get your foot in the door, and in some cases it is, however alongside your reputation is another “r” word we like to call: Reach. And […]
How to Craft a Pitch So You’ll Actually Get a Response
Email pitching to a media contact definitely has its ups and downs. You may find yourself sending 30+ emails a week and only receiving a response from 2-3 people. So how can you pitch to get your email answered? If you want your email pitches answered, here’s how to craft a pitch so you’ll actually […]
5 Things You Wish You Knew Before Becoming an Entrepreneur

Deciding to start a small business is no easy or small decision. There are numerous sacrifices and challenges you are faced with every single day as a business owner, and they can become extremely overwhelming, however, there’s still that little voice in your head telling you to “just keep going.” If you’ve decided or currently are a small business […]
Here’s What to do When Pitching Your Small Business
Two minutes – You probably wait longer for coffee at your local shop every morning. Two minutes can seem like a very short time, but if you’re pitching your small business for funding and investors – it can seem like a lifetime. How many times have you found yourself in the “hotseat” of pitching and […]
Shamelessly Successful Marketing for Entrepreneurs
Are you a business owner constantly trying to come up with new and exciting ways to get your business’ name out there? Have you hit a plateau or difficult obstacle that just has you stuck? Trying to constantly figure out how to get your target audience to not only notice your brand or business, but to also stay engaged […]
The Importance of Funding Your Small Business
Are you a small business owner currently wondering how in the world you’re going to get funding? Are you currently trying to get lenders and business executives to understand your brand and vision as to why funding is important for your brand’s growth? Are you wanting funding immediately, but just don’t know where to start? If you answered […]
Boss Women Highlight: Courtney Caldwell, Cofounder & COO of beauty-tech startup, ShearShare
Black Girl Magic is a rallying call for women to come together, connect, inspire, empower, and unite as one! Boss Women Media is the force that creates these magical moments for women. 2022 and beyond is the year where women get highlighted. You know the ones that are sitting at the table and who are […]
Is Overworking Yourself Truly Worth It? Don’t Fall Victim to Hustle Culture

There’s a trap out there that many of us have began to fall for and the worst part about it– we don’t even realize it. It’s cost us so many valuable moments in our lives that we can no longer get back, those cherished times and trust us when we say, it’s been mentally, emotionally […]
Boss Women Highlight: Melissa Watkins, Social Media Strategist & Influencer
Black Girl Magic is a rallying call for women to come together, connect, inspire, empower, and unite as one! Boss Women Media is the force that creates these magical moments for women. 2021 is the year where women get highlighted. You know the ones that are sitting at the table and who are taking the […]