Strength Does Not Meaning Having It All Together…8 WAYS TO SHOW IT

Strength, isn’t about having it all together. Strength doesn’t come from who can lift the most. Hustle the most. Or walk through fire the quickest. Rather, strength is really a sign of softness. Can you stay open, and gentle and loving, and not let life shut you down? Can you stay warm, and hopeful, and […]

Your Tribe Elevates Your Life!

Whatever you want in life…whatever you dream of…whatever tickles the deep desire of your existence…it’ll happen when the belief in yourself rises to meet the group of humans you’re supported by. It’s a delicate dance between what’s inside of you, and what you allow to be around you. The easiest way to safeguard your heart […]

5 Tips for Creating Better Facebook Ads

Whether your industry is e-commerce, retail, financial services, or non-profit, Facebook Ads can significantly help your business.  We’ve all seen that option to boost a post on Facebook but should you? The short answer: YES.  But, do not go into boosting and paying for Facebook advertising blindly. Although creating Facebook ads is a robust endeavor, […]

Your Why

Your why will motivate you when things get tough, when you are tired and want to give up, and when you are lost. You can create your why through prayer, clarity and focus. And one thing is certain: you were born to create your why. Born for it. . No matter who you are, or where you […]

Rethink Mentorship

The New Way to Connect and Get the Advice You Need Most women have heard in order to succeed and succeed fast you need a mentor. This mentor will show you the ropes and pave the way for your advancement. But the idea that one woman can show you everything you need to know to […]

Find Your Chill in 2019

One resolution we hope you will keep? Reclaiming your time with Self Care. Here are 10 ways you can focus on yourself in 2019 and give your body exactly what it needs. Just Breathe • Focus on mindful breathing when you are stressed out. Take 60 seconds to just breathe in and out and focus […]

3 Ways to Find More Time for Your Side Hustle In 2019

Ever looked at your to-do list and had no idea how you were going to get through everything? No matter what you do, your plan of crossing off everything on your list is interrupted by other pressing issues. Well for 2019 Boss Women, we are here to help you conquer your goals and get more […]

12 Days of Clarity

Clarity can be the difference between feeling lost and feeling free. It’s potent medicine that can shift you from suffering and into momentum. Clarity is the type of thing that often you don’t even know you’re searching for, but it’s been the answer all along. Here’s how clarity works…it’s a doorway to understanding what you […]

5 Inexpensive & Creative Ideas to Help Market Your Business

How much time did you spend developing your marketing plan this year?  As a side hustler or entrepreneur, we all know funds can be extremely tight.  Statistics say it takes at least 3-5 years for a small business to turn a profit.   Some businesses will not even make it to the 3-year mark. Marketing is […]