4 Ways to Build Self-Confidence and Get the Most Out of Life

Trying to find the time and ways to build your self-confidence can be an extremely tough task. We’re constantly being exposed to millions of people, celebrities, entertainers, and so much more who portray a sense of confidence and aren’t afraid to be their organic selves—however, there are just as many people (if not more) that […]

7 Things Every Woman of Color Needs in Her Self-Care Routine

Your home is your safe haven. A place to relax, refresh, and recuperate. It’s the one place where you can go and simply be yourself—at all times. Every woman should treat their homes like a sanctuary that is filled with things that are bound to bring them both happiness and peace of mind. Your home […]

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Every person I know is afraid of failure. Whether it’s a doctor, entrepreneur, lawyer, or mechanic—we’re all afraid to fail one way or another. Being afraid to fail is human nature, but in order to face your fears, you have to step outside of your comfort zone. Human egos become so engulfed in what we […]

9 Things No One Tells You As a New Business Owner

We all have had an idea or two about starting our own business and what it would truly be like to do just that. We’ve all heard about the various hardships and difficulties, but we’ve also heard about the many perks and rewarding benefits of owning your own business. Like anything in life, there’s always […]

Business 101: 5 Tips to Help You Build the Best Website for Your Business

Presentation is absolutely everything! Whether you’re a side hustler, entrepreneur, or corporate queen—building the best website for your business is extremely important. Being able to showcase what your brand is all about is key in being a successful business. Eye-catching and interactive websites command your audiences’ attention without having to say a single word—so we’re […]

5 Ways to Kick Start Your Week Off Right

Weekends always seem to fly by—before you know it, with a blink of an eye, Monday is right around the corner. The dreaded Monday mornings begin, and a new week is upon us—yet again. You suddenly stop and realize, you haven’t completed any of the tasks you set out on your to-do list, and now […]

Managing Your Side Hustle All While Working Your Full-Time Gig

You enjoy your job, but your true passion is elsewhere. Working with others is enjoyable, but working with your close friends and like-minded individuals that share the same interests as you sounds more intriguing. Making a little extra money is never a bad thing. Being able to set your own schedule on your own time […]