Boss Women Media Presents: 2,000+ Black-Owned Businesses Directory
Boss Women Media continues to amplify Black voices and Black businesses. We’re circulating our Black Owned-Small Businesses directory to spotlight some of our favorite businesses and to continue to encourage ANYONE to shop! Listed is the Black Owned-Businesses Directory based on categories, that are openly ready and available for you to shop their products and […]
How to Shamelessly Promote Your Business Without Feeling Shameful for Doing So
Are you a business owner constantly trying to come up with new and exciting ways to get your business’ name out there? Have you hit a plateau or difficult obstacle that just has you stuck? Trying to constantly figure out how to get your target audience to not only notice your brand or business, but to also […]
Marty McDonald’s Black-Women-Owned Small Businesses
Founder Marty McDonald shares her favorite Black-women-owned businesses that you can support this holiday Capital One is proud to support #SmallUnites, a movement designed to rally communities across the country to champion the small businesses they love. Help small businesses thrive in the new normal by shopping this collection of thoughtful gifts for the holidays. […]
6 Social Media Strategies to Implement in Your Startup
When trying to establish your startup, standing out from the rest of the crowd is one of the most important keys if you want to gain any type of success in your said industry. There is a lot that goes into branding your startup business, but one thing that most business owners seem to underestimate […]
Boss Women Media Presents: 1,800+ Black-Owned Businesses Directory
Now more than ever, it is vital that we come together in support of Black-Owned Small Businesses. Boss Women Media is doing our part in making sure we give these Black-Owned Businesses a spotlight for ANYONE to shop! Listed is the Black Owned-Businesses Directory based on categories, that are openly ready and available for you […]
4 Things You Can Do As an Entrepreneur to Avoid the B Word (Burnout)
Being a business owner is not easy. There’s always something that needs to be done. It can be challenging to get away from work, even for a little while, when you’re constantly being consumed by it. Not taking the time you need away from your business to simply breathe and give yourself a break can […]
5 Motivational Tips to Help Kick Start Your Work Week
Weekends always seem to fly by—before you know it, with a blink of an eye, Monday is right around the corner. The dreaded Monday mornings begin, and a new week is upon us—yet again. You suddenly stop and realize, you haven’t completed any of the tasks you set out on to do on your to-do […]
Self-Care Tips Every Woman Can Implement
Now more than ever, self-care is such an important thing that many of us fail to take the time out for each day. Self-care is what uplifts us, drives us, and simply keeps us going. Regardless of how bad your day or week may have been, when you take the time to indulge in what […]
4 Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety
A lot has taken place this year– living through a global pandemic, facing systematic racism, witnessing the biggest and most important election in the history of presidential elections. All of these massive events can bring about so much stress and anxiety and can be extremely hard to face. That feeling of being overwhelmed and not […]
What It Means to Celebrate Your Accomplishments + Why It’s Important

This year has been a roller coaster of emotions for the entire world– from a global pandemic to systemic racism, we as a world have experience a lot. With things like this going on around us, it can be a bit difficult to find moments to simply celebrate your accomplishments. Many people may not realize […]