Boss Women Highlight: Sassy Secret Founder Shares How She Made $1 Million Selling Lace Wigs Online

Who is Tate Arnone?

Tate Arnone is the CEO of the luxury lace wig and extension company, Sassy Secret. Tate began her career as a financial advisor for JPMorgan Chase, but always had dreams of owning her own business. With her hard work, dedication, and patience, Sassy Secret was created.

What makes Tate Arnone a Boss Woman?

Tate Arnone is a Boss Woman for her spontaneity and hustler mindset. She simply went out on a limb, without a business plan and a small loan from her husband and simply reinvested her profits into the growth of her million dollar business.

The following article was originally published on BauceMag, a lifestyle site for self-made women.

Success. That’s what every business owner and BAUCE lady wants. And that’s what Tate Arnone, CEO of luxury lace wig and extensions company Sassy Secret, has. The hair extensions industry may seem extremely overcrowded, but if you have the right marketing strategy you could be well on your way to cashing checks at the bank. Originally from Zimbabwe, Tate Arnone is also a wife and the mother of three children. In this interview with BAUCE, Tate explains how she started Sassy Secret and how she became the owner of a million dollar hair company that is currently debt-free.

Click here to read more about Tate Arnone’s brand Sassy Secret. 


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