Boss Women Highlight: Publicist Brittni Brown on Personal Branding and Entrepreneurship

Who is Brittni Brown?

Brittni Brown also known as “The Millennial’s Publicist,” began her public relations firm in 2011 under the moniker, The Bee Agency—which she started as a college student attending Eastern Michigan University. Brittni started The Bee Agency because she wanted someone of her own that she could use as a creative outlet, but on a corporate level. A firm with complete hands-on communication and real face-to-face conversations with individuals and their brands at the forefront.     

What makes Brittni Brown a Boss Woman?

Brittni Brown is a boss woman because she goes above and beyond to help her clients go beyond the traditional and truly become their personal brand. Brittni took her hobbies and passions and aligned it with her dream career, something she’s always wanted to do.  

The following article was originally published on BauceMag, a lifestyle site for self-made women.  

Brittni Brown, known as “The Millennial’s Publicist”, started a branding and public relations consulting firm called The Bee Agency in 2011 as a college student at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). This BAUCE woman gets excited about helping her clients go beyond what’s traditional to become their personal brand, and has always had a knack for the field of public relations. During college, she played a major role in organizing an unprecedented fashion show at her alma mater and successfully pitched her step team to a local radio station while in high school. Originally attending EMU to become a high school teacher, Brittni decided to reroute her studies towards communications at the end of her college career, and that’s made all the difference.

Click here to read the rest of Brittni’s journey to The Bee Agency.  


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