Boss Women Highlight: How Two Harvard Grads Raised $1MM To Create Nude Lipsticks For Black Women

Who are Kristen Jones (KJ) Miller and Amanda E. Johnson?

KJ Miller and Amanda Johnson are the two masterminds behind Mented Cosmetics—a premier beauty line for black women. The two ladies enrolled in Harvard Business school in 2012 with the hopes of figuring out the launch of their cosmetics line. The two women had no idea that their next business venture would be their biggest one yet.

What makes KJ Miller and Amanda Johnson Boss Women?

KJ Miller and Amanda Johnson are Boss Women because they used their combined expertise in retail and e-commerce to establish a multi-million dollar brand. The company iSeed ventures  invested in Mented cosmetics, and it was literally up from there. The company allowed both women to raise $1MM in a startup fund which allowed them to develop and grow Mented cosmetics.

The following article was originally published on BauceMag, a lifestyle site for self-made women.  

Like most accomplished women who built early careers in Corporate America, Kristen Jones (KJ) Miller and Amanda E. Johnson left their cushy jobs in 2012 to enroll at Harvard Business School in hopes of figuring out what their next chapters would be. Upon matriculation, they had no idea that they would end up becoming business partners or that they would soon launch Mented Cosmetics, a premier beauty line for black women, shortly after graduating.

With their combined expertise in retail, KJ and Amanda set on an e-commerce mission to first find (and later create) the “perfect” nude lipstick for black women. In the fall of 2017, KJ and Amanda finally hit a huge stroke of luck; iSeed ventures agreed to invest in their company, allowing them to ascend to the ranks of the few women of color that have raised $1MM in startup funding. In this interview with BAUCE, the founders of Mented Cosmetics share why they highly recommend new entrepreneurs seek out funding from venture capitalists before they consider bootstrapping.

Click here to read the full story on Mented Cosmetics. 


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