Boss Women Highlight: Halleemah Nash, Founder and Lead Coach of Rosecrans Ventures

Black Girl Magic is a rallying call for women to come together, connect, inspire, empower, and unite as one! Boss Women Media is the force that creates these magical moments for women. 2022 and beyond is the year where women get highlighted. You know the ones that are sitting at the table and who are taking the world by storm.

Meet Halleemah Nash, Founder and Lead Coach of Rosecrans Ventures

  1. Please tell us what your role is and what it entails?

Founder and Lead Coach of Rosecrans Ventures where I lead business development, curate curriculum, provide coaching, and power the business.

  1. How did you land this position?

I decided to launch my own firm in the pandemic and bet on myself as I was asking companies to bet on the young people I work with.

  1. What does your everyday “workday” look like?

1:1 coaching calls, pitching to potential clients, meditation, and business development hours.

  1. What keeps you motivated?

The amazing talent that I coach and champions in diversity transforming the workplace for a better future.

  1. Who/what inspires your drive as a woman?

To reach back as I climb and be in service to my younger self.

  1. What’s one important thing you’ve learned while being in your role?

Modeling excellence AND delivering excellence is critical for teams and for clients.

  1. If you could switch job titles with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be and why?

A travel writer where I can travel to places to share stories of my experience and opinions.

  1. What do you think is the first word that comes to mind when others describe you? Why?

Energy! I bring my best energy to every situation.

  1. Where can our followers connect with you on social media?

@halleemah @rosecransMADE

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