Boss Women Highlight: Gideon Thomas, Founder of Serious Health, LLC

Black Girl Magic is a rallying call for women to come together, connect, inspire, empower, and unite as one! Boss Women Media is the force that creates these magical moments for women. This is the year where women get highlighted. You know the ones that are sitting at the table and who are taking the world by storm.

Meet Gideon Thomas, Founder of Serious Health, LLC

1. Please tell us what your role is and what it entails?

Bettina Gideon Thomas, Founder, Serious Health LLC

As a Founder, I do understand that my main role should be fundraising but I do it all. What we do is so important that I enjoy the privilege to help people understand the challenges of our elderly underserved populations, but making sure that we care for our people on a day-to-day basis is equally as important.

2. How did you land this position?

I’m an ‘accidental entrepreneur’. My family needed me to care for them so I left my corporate career and became a Founder.

3. What does your everyday “workday” look like?

I am blessed in that I never have the same day twice. I am cursed in that I never have the same day twice.

4. What keeps you motivated?

I am never motivated but I am on purpose. God put me here to help these people and to solve this problem and I can’t run from it.

5. What advice would you give someone who is currently trying to navigate the workplace?

My advice is that you were created for something bigger than you. No one is an expert at you. Get close as possible to the creator and find your own ‘why’.

6. Who/what inspires your drive as a woman?

My mom is THAT girl!!! I am so privileged to be her daughter and be the mom to my two children that she was to me.

7. What’s one important thing you’ve learned while being in your role?

That I am enough.

8. If you could switch job titles with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be and why?

I was obsessed with Anthony Bourdain. Getting paid to mix food with travel and cultural experiences would be a dream.

9. What do you think is the first word that comes to mind when others describe you? Why?

Safe. When people leave my presence they feel seen, heard and valued and free to love the most authentic version of themselves. I encourage people to be the best version of themselves.

10. Where can our followers connect with you on social media?

On Instagram: @The_Badass_Brown_Girl

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