Ain’t I A Woman: Patrice Winston
Getting to where I am today has taken leaps of faith, caused bumps, bruises and tears. However, the good book reminds us “Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.”
The word tribe is on trend right now but when I think of mine it’s synonymous with the word family, my folk, my people. I am a First Generation college student, my grandmother birthed 7 children with an 8th grade education. She has taught me that I can not fail, my mother reminds me that I will not fail.
Throughout my career I’ve joined women led organizations like WeLead – a bi-partisian crash course for women who want to consider politics- and ColorComm – an organization for women of color in Communications . I’ve always found other women to lift me up, to give me a hand and to quite frankly tell me when I am dead wrong.
Careerwise I’ve worked in education policy at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, consulted at Booz Allen Hamilton and now work in PR at Capital One.
However, my greatest accomplishment is being a mother to my son. There is no harder job, with a greater reward.
When I’m working my 9-5, and feel like I haven’t received the proper acknowledgement, or have been dismissed, ignored etc. I remember advice I received from a former manager. “Your legacy is greater than your day to day work in this place, if you die we will send your family flowers and find someone else. What is your legacy beyond, this place?” I think about that everyday. I actively work to create a legacy everyday.
Instagram: patrice._.monique