Ain’t I A Woman: Amanda Dowe
Hey! So first and foremost I am a mom and a registered nurse! When COVID first hit last year I was working in a hospital where PPE was very low and it got to the point where I was risking my life to provide for my family. I decided to stay home with my kids who were quarantined from school and was wondering what next! I remember one day scrolling on Instagram and a nurse was on live saying she retired from nursing and was willing to teach other nurses who didn’t feel safe in their work environment due to COVID how they could learn a skill set that would create generational wealth and provide time freedom.
Without hesitation of course I reached out to her because I didn’t know how I was going to pay my bills at this point and she agreed to mentor me. I dedicated a whole entire year to soak in all of this financial education that this nurse had to offer me, learned and mastered the skill set, taught the skill to my eldest daughter, and now I am able to empower others, provide for my kids and actually have not only financial freedom but time freedom to be with my children without leaving my house if that’s what I choose.
I say all of this to say as a mom and woman we have infinite power within we just have to tap into our inner genius and let it lead the way! Ain’t I A Woman?
Instagram: @iamrichnurse