Ain’t I A Woman: Alisha G Reed

Ain’t I A Woman: Alisha G Reed

On Monday morning of December 23, 2019, my entire life changed. My husband, my son’s father, and my best friend passed away from a massive heart attack at the age of 43. My heart was broken into a million pieces. At 40, I was now an overnight widow. What do I do? How do I go on? What do I tell my 4-year old son? ​

In 2014, I founded Nola Bougie, a lifestyle brand and blog with a mission to inspire women to live their best lives by becoming the best versions of themselves. That day, I just wanted to shut down. How could I live my best life without my soul mate? ​

Then the messages started coming in. Hundreds of them from people all over the world. They were telling me how much I inspired them. They were showing me love and compassion. They sent flowers and cards to my son. They sent food and gift cards. They sent encouragement and motivation. I couldn’t believe it. I had no idea people were really paying attention to what I was trying to do. I had no idea I was inspiring others. That was my purpose all along, but I didn’t realize I was actually living in my purpose. It was the love and support of all of you that made me realize I couldn’t give up on my purpose. It just would look a little different now. ​

I’m still bougie but, my life is so much more than that. It’s time to tell my story. My real story. With no judgement, no hesitation, and no fear. ​ I

realized that I’ve spent a lot of my time doubting myself, judging myself, criticizing myself, sabotaging myself, shaming myself and, holding myself back. I’ve done everything but LOVE myself the way I should. It’s time for me to change that. Before you do anything else, you must FLY – First Love Yourself. ​

I plan to fly in everything I do by putting my needs, my goals, my desires, and my purpose first. I know that is what my husband would want for me. And I know when I fly, I will be able to help others fly too.

I host the FLY Widow Podcast and have created an online support group for widows!

Instagram: @flywithalishareed

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