Meet Blogger Tanika Green

Tanika Green, found of Alwayz Fashionably Late (@alwayzfashionablylate) is such an inspiration and has been a huge supporter of ours since the beginning.  Today on the blog Tanika is sharing her ‘aha’ moment when she knew she had to forget about what a hater might say and just go for it! We’re so glad she did! We love her blog and her Insta feed but most of all her sweet spirit.

My name is Tanika Green, the writer, and creator of Alwayz Fashionably Late, a fashion and lifestyle blog geared toward women who want to be their best selves. My blog was birthed out of the need to do something that I enjoyed and was passionate about, even after having a baby! I felt like I was giving to everyone around me, my new baby, husband, a job I did not love, but I was not doing anything that made me feel fulfilled or passionate in my work. Have you ever experienced that feeling?? It’s ok, this is the place to raise your hand and say, “Yessss girl, yes!!”
You see, I knew that blogging was something I wanted to do, but I was honestly scared to make that move. I thought that people would think that being a blogger and posting pictures of myself is quite vain. I worried that people would perceive me as conceited or self-absorbed. I was doing so much thinking and worrying that I held myself back from something that potentially could grant me fulfillment and freedom of self-expression. Why? Because I was worried about everyone else’s thoughts. 
It wasn’t until I went to dinner with my husband and told him my thoughts about wanting to start a fashion blog. You want to know what this man said?? “Yeah, you should do it!” If only you could see my face at that moment. I was shocked, “really, you think I should?” He then told me that it made total sense to him and why shouldn’t I? Well, then! It was then that I really took a moment and thought about the times I worried about what negative things people thought of me. I had to understand that I was not blogging for them, I was blogging for myself!! What I wanted to do was BIGGER then what their perception of me would be. 
I tell my story to say this, we are all capable of MORE!! We are all capable of having the things that we want or desire!! 
My goal is to be the next big Influencer in the making! Why, well why not?? I work hard to create content my readers enjoy and can relate to. As a blogger, I am constantly developing relationships with major brands, ensuring that my content is consistent and appealing to others, being visually present on all social media channels and engage as much as possible with my audience. In order to be the next big influencer, I have to constantly work on increasing my visibility to be in front of brands, create unique content and stand out above the rest in such an over saturated market! When I feel a little discouraged about this blog life, I try to remember that not even Beyonce was built in a day. It took her time, dedication and hard work to be the BEY that we all admire and love.
Most importantly, my blog is really not just for myself, but my readers who have supported me since day one. Sometimes I honestly cannot believe the emails or comments I receive from others who enjoy my posts or can relate to a personal story I may have shared. It’s in those moments that I know why I do what I do. It is then where I remember my blog is more about posting pictures of myself in a cute outfit. It is where I connect with women who feel they can relate to me and feel a sense of positivity and self-love for who they were created to be.
I hope you enjoyed my guest post here on Boss Women! What are you the next in the making? I would love to know so I can tell you the same thing my husband told me, “Do It!”
P.S. Check out some of my favorite quotes on Pinterest!

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