Supporting Your Friend’s Business Without Spending a Dime

It costs absolutely nothing to support your friends in their business ventures. When it comes to giving them your support—you don’t have to break the bank to do so. With the evolution of technology, social media has made it so easy to give small businesses a platform to not only advertise and market their brand, but to connect with those that utilize their services as well.

So how can you use social media and the advances of technology to support your friend’s business without having to break the bank? Well we’re glad you asked! Here are 3 ways you can support your friend’s business all while keeping your finances in check and not having to make your credit card cringe!

3 Ways to Support Your Friend’s Business

Via Social Media

Social media has become one of the biggest influences in our generation. It can literally be used for absolutely everything—including supporting your friend’s business. When it comes to social media, here are some ways you can be a supportive friend for FREE99:

  • Share a post
  • Give them a shoutout
  • Like a post
  • Repost their post
  • Comment a nice word or emoji
  • Tag another friend in their post

Just imagine, if every friend were to support their friend’s small business by doing these simple, effective and free things—the impact it would have on their business would be magnificent. Reposting a friend’s image or tagging another friend in their post can go a very long way, and you never know what it could potentially do for your friend’s business.

Via Web Traffic

Supporting your friend’s small business by generating activity and action on their webpages causes their SEO (search engine optimization) to increase. This allows their sites to gain attention on the Internet, so read those blog posts, click around on their sites, and get to know their websites a little more. The more you visit your friend’s site, the more Google realizes it’s a popular web page which will allow your friend’s website to gain more traffic.

Via A Listening Ear

Sometimes as a business owner, your friend wears every single hat in their business. Whether that’s being the marketing expert, the PR analyst, or the personal assistant—they are literally everything. At times, this can cause them to not only feel lonely, but also overwhelmed and overworked. If they come to you to simply vent—be a listening ear. Friends appreciate your support, honesty and feedback—so be that friend that they need. Supporting your friends is not only free, but it’s also easy if you know what to do! #FriendsSupportFriends

In our new normal, it can be a bit challenging for your entrepreneur friends– do your part and simply support them without having to spend a dime. If you found these three tips helpful, let us know in the comments below!

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