The New Year is Near: Here are 25 Bad Habits to Leave Behind in 2019

With the New Year being two weeks away, many of us have begun the tradition of writing down our new year resolutions and goals. What will the new year bring for you? What do you plan on doing differently to have a more successful and memorable year? These are all questions we ask ourselves in hopes of becoming a better person each year—but why wait until a new year (or in this instance, a new decade) to change for the greater good?!

It’s never too early to break bad habits and become a better you! Having a clear and organized plan ahead of what you are wanting to change and make better for yourself is the key to being successful in your new year resolution journey.  We know how difficult it can be to break bad habits—so we’re giving you a list of 25 habits you should be leaving behind in 2019, but of course it’s never too early to start now! Check them out below.

  1. Being judgmental
  2. Being lazy
  3. Tolerating “friends” and family that drain your energy
  4. Overworking yourself
  5. Not taking care of your body—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
  6. Procrastinating
  7. Resisting change
  8. Making excuses
  9. Poor punctuality
  10. Not taking responsibility for your actions
  11. Allowing your mind to think negative thoughts
  12. Being defensive
  13. Complaining
  14. Not being mindful of your spending (not saving money)
  15. Not practicing self-care
  16. Not keeping your word 
  17. Letting people take advantage of you
  18. Inactivity
  19. Comparing yourself to others
  20. Not going to the gym
  21. Worrying about the opinions of others too much
  22. Too much screen time
  23. Gossiping
  24. Saying yes even when you want to say no
  25. Lying


These are all bad habits that we can afford to get rid of as the new year approaches, and remember—it’s never too early to start now! #NewYearResolutions


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