Starting a Business Can Be Difficult, but You Want to Make Sure You’re Always Protected. Here are 5 Tools To Help Protect Your Information as a Business Owner

As a business owner, protecting your consumer’s data and private information is essential. With the constant evolution and advancement of technology that has allowed any and every one to gain access to consumer’s personal data and threatening their privacy—it’s pivotal to protect it at all cost.

Ensuring that your audience’s private information does not fall into the wrong hands, which could potentially lead to carding, blackmailing or extortion, is something every business owner should aim for. Thankfully, we’re giving you 5 tools you can incorporate and utilize to ensure your consumer’s information and data is protected.

  1. Using Firewalls and Access Controls

If you are a business owner, and your company uses consumer’s personal information, you should be using firewalls and access controls to verify the identities of anyone trying to access information. A few of these access controls include two-step verification, passwords, fingertip readers, and authentication requirements. Make sure your computers require password setups so that any sensitive data can only be accessed by an authorized personnel.

  1. Incorporate an Encryption Software

Having a software encryption is such an essential tool for protecting sensitive data within a company. High-quality email encryption software will allow your business to be able to protect its email list from phishing and malicious cyber-attacks. Many companies and businesses nowadays use email addresses to share valuable data, but incorporating an encryption software will ensure that all of this sensitive information is kept safe and out of harm’s way.

  1. Secure Your Hardware

Not every cyber-attack you may encounter will come through a computer system. Most cyber-attacks occur when physical electronic equipment is stolen and is often overlooked. To make sure no one is able to walk away with lots of important and sensitive information, make sure your systems are physically locked down. Securing your servers with locks and keeping them in places that aren’t easily accessible will make it more difficult for them to be taken.

  1. Passwords and Authentications

If you have employees working for you, require them to use unique passwords and change their passwords every two to three months. As a business owner, you may also want to consider implementing two-step verification which requires additional information from your employer to make sure they are able to gain entry. Two-step verification can definitely help protect your company’s important information.

  1. Keep Systems and Software Up-to-Date

When you get a notification that your computer or mobile device has an update—don’t ignore it! The older versions of systems and software that you may be currently using are the ones that hackers have been practicing on. To combat this from occurring, it’s best to ensure that your operating system and antivirus software programs are all up-to-date. Select a specific time of the week to automatically have all of your systems updated, this will make it a habit and enables you to protect your data and sensitive information.

As a business owner, you should be staying up-to-date with the most recent technological advancements for data protection for your company. Implementing the above tips and tools into your business will significantly help you avoid data breaches and cyber-attacks.

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