4 Skincare Tips Every Woman Should Follow for Healthy Glowing Skin

When you think about skincare, you imagine poreless, clear, blemish-free nearly perfect skin. You may even see celebrities on television and in movies with this “perfect skin,” and wonder how they got it, but we’re here to tell you, it’s achievable—celebrity or not.

Having a reliable skincare regimen makes all the difference in the outer appearance of your skin.

Being able to follow and stick to a solid skincare routine will produce that “perfect” skin that you see on celebs. We’re giving you four skincare tips that you should be following for that flawless and blemish-free glow.

Drink Lots of Water

When it comes to skincare, we hear this oh so often—but it actually holds quite a bit of truth. Drinking water is not only good for your health, but it’s also great for your skin. Water hydrates your body and skin, and gives it that blemish-free, natural glow. A lack of water is equivalent to less radiance and a lack of hydration for the skin. Not only is drinking water essential for a healthy skin appearance, but choosing skincare products that have hydrating formulas is also extremely beneficial. Drinking water and using hydrating skincare products allows your skin to breathe and maintain a healthy appearance.


Removing dead skin cells and uncovering a fresh layer of skin is real life #skingoals. We tend to lose about 50 million skin cells a day, and without the help of an exfoliator, those skin cells may hang around on our face, causing our skin to look dull. In order to fix this, you should be using a product that is pH neutral (so it doesn’t dry out your skin as it’s exfoliating), and a product that doesn’t scratch the surface of your skin. The skin on your face is absolutely important, but don’t just stop there- exfoliating your entire body is also beneficial as well!

Maintain a Healthy Diet

What you put into your body, is directly reflected in your physical appearance—your skin, your body, your weight—everything. Eating a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates will directly show on your skin with several blemishes and blackheads. To prevent this from happening, maintaining a diet that includes omega-3 fatty acid, allows your skin the ability to hold onto moisture. The more fruits and vegetables you’re eating and the less bags of chips and cookies you indulge in will be a direct reflection in your skin.

Wear an SPF Moisturizer 

Many people feel they only need to protect their skin on sunny days or when they’re visiting the beach however that is not true whatsoever. The truth is, we must protect our skin 24/7—when we’re driving in a car, flying in an airplane, or simply running errands—SPF is important! The daily UV exposure can be extremely damaging to our skin, and can cause visible signs of aging. Choosing a moisturizer that includes an SPF of 30 or greater will help protect your skin from the harsh UV sunlight.


Skincare is important and can be a bit expensive at times, but we want to make sure we’re taking care of our skin because it is a direct reflection of ourselves. If you feel and look good on the outside, nine tens out of ten, you’re sufficiently fueling your body internally as well—which is just as important and beneficial for an ultimate skincare regimen.

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