Boss Women Highlight: Tiffany Moore, Health Coach and Wellness Influencer

Black Girl Magic is a rallying call for women to come together, connect, inspire, empower, and unite as one! Boss Women Media is the force that creates these magical moments for women. 2021 is the year where women get highlighted. You know the ones that are sitting at the table and who are taking the world by storm.

100 Women Sitting at the Table is all about honoring women who are bucking tradition, making history and fighting for change in the workplace and the world. Over the next several weeks, we will highlight each woman in our year-long campaign and her story.

Meet Tiffany Moore, Health Coach and Wellness Influencer

  1. Please tell us what your role is and what it entails?

I’m currently a Health Coach and a Health and Wellness Influencer. My role entails of helping women reach personal health related goals such as disease management, weight loss, illness prevention, etc. I ultimately help curate a safe space for women to explore all areas of their well-being.

  1. How did you land this position?

I graduated with a degree in Kinesiology and have always been active in sports. During the pandemic, I saw the impact of Covid-19 on the African American community and noticed how disease prevention and management was rarely discussed. I then decided I wanted to further my career as a Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

  1. What does your everyday “workday” look like?

If I’m honest I am currently working on creating a more balanced schedule between coaching clients and creating content for my social media platforms. When I am coaching my clients, I am creating personalized wellness plans for them to practice and implement into their everyday lifestyle. Content creation can be anything from filming and editing to creating healthy eating plans for women online.

  1. What keeps you motivated?

What keeps me motivated is seeing the impact my teaching has made in the lives of women. So many women are looking for health guidance and ways to make healthy living practical. I pride myself in knowing that my goal is to empower women to become the best version of themselves.

  1. Who/what inspires your drive as a woman?

My mother inspires my drive as a woman. My mom has always lived outside of the box in her personal career. She has always encouraged me to be my true authentic self which plays a major role in how I operate my business and how I view myself in the health and wellness industry.

  1. What’s one important thing you’ve learned while being in your role?

There is no one size fits all type of wellness. What works for some, may not work for others. Everyone’s path or journey to a healthy lifestyle looks different for each individual. If your mental health or relationships aren’t healthy , it can impact your food choices, hormones, or motivation to workout. I always tell people to explore the other areas of their life that may be hindering them from reaching their goals. Wellness is an overall holistic approach.

  1. If you could switch job titles with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be and why?

I would love to switch job titles with Oprah Winfrey especially in the area of her Angel Network organization. She is an amazing philanthropist and something I inspire to be one day, so seeing what all goes into managing that organization would be an amazing experience.

  1. What do you think is the first word that comes to mind when others describe you? Why?

That’s a great question and probably something I should ask them lol. The first thing that comes to mind I would say is outgoing. I have a friendly and easy personality so it’s easy for me to engage and meet new people. I tend to stay outside of the box.

  1. Where can our followers connect with you on social media?

They can follow me on my YouTube channel Moore2Health for at home workouts. Also my Instagram is @Moore2Health. I often post recipes on my Pinterest page at Moore2Health. For meal plans or to learn more about me, visit my website at and contact me at info@moore2health for health coaching opportunities or just to ask a question.

  1. Any additional information you’d like to add?

Just a reminder to the ladies that we all have been through a lot in the past year, so give  yourself grace in your health and wellness journey.

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