Ain’t I A Woman: Jyrah Knight

Ain’t I A Woman: Jyrah Knight

Chronic Endurance Founder Jyrah Knight is a Dallas native that loves all things sports and lending a helping hand in any capacity. In 2001, when Jyrah was a mere 2nd grader, her parents began to notice changes in her body. She broke bones easily, and woke up some days and could not fathom getting out of bed. Going from being an active child to having to sit out of things she cared deeply about, her parents knew there was a much bigger issue at hand. Jyrah received referrals to many doctors, some of which brushed her symptoms off, and said that “it was all in her head.” Both Jyrah and her parents knew deep down inside something was not right. After seeing countless doctors, Jyrah lost hope and accepted the notion that maybe I was indeed all in her head. A few years passed, and symptoms began to resurface and become more pronounced. The pain was worse, the fatigue had now become debilitating, the migraines were present more often than not. Jyrah knew she had to began her quest of finding answers once again.

Chronic Endurance Nonprofit initially became the dream of our founder when she was a young child. She often told her family that she would own her own non profit organization one day, but had no idea what it would be. It wasn’t until 2014 that she really began working toward this goal. During this time, she was facing this health battle daily. After finding a doctor who took her symptoms seriously, she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease 16 years after the onset of her first symptoms. After great consideration, she assembled a team who worked relentlessly to help organize her thoughts. They started to dig through the research and learned that over 50 million Americans suffer with a least one of the 100 autoimmune diseases. She knew it was time to take action, and the need was great. In October of 2017, Chronic Endurance was incorporated as a non profit organization in the state of Texas. And since this time, we have been working tirelessly at our motto; Changing Lives One Warrior At A Time! Our mission is to educate, empower, and advocate for those affected by chronic illnesses and disabilities.


Personal: @callmejamese

Professional: @chronicendurance

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