Ain’t I A Woman: Alisha G Reed
On Monday morning of December 23, 2019, my entire life changed. My husband, my son’s father, and my best friend passed away from a massive heart attack at the age of 43. My heart was broken into a million pieces. At 40, I was now an overnight widow. What do I do? How do I go on? What do I tell my 4-year old son?
In 2014, I founded Nola Bougie, a lifestyle brand and blog with a mission to inspire women to live their best lives by becoming the best versions of themselves. That day, I just wanted to shut down. How could I live my best life without my soul mate?
Then the messages started coming in. Hundreds of them from people all over the world. They were telling me how much I inspired them. They were showing me love and compassion. They sent flowers and cards to my son. They sent food and gift cards. They sent encouragement and motivation. I couldn’t believe it. I had no idea people were really paying attention to what I was trying to do. I had no idea I was inspiring others. That was my purpose all along, but I didn’t realize I was actually living in my purpose. It was the love and support of all of you that made me realize I couldn’t give up on my purpose. It just would look a little different now.
I’m still bougie but, my life is so much more than that. It’s time to tell my story. My real story. With no judgement, no hesitation, and no fear. I
realized that I’ve spent a lot of my time doubting myself, judging myself, criticizing myself, sabotaging myself, shaming myself and, holding myself back. I’ve done everything but LOVE myself the way I should. It’s time for me to change that. Before you do anything else, you must FLY – First Love Yourself.
I plan to fly in everything I do by putting my needs, my goals, my desires, and my purpose first. I know that is what my husband would want for me. And I know when I fly, I will be able to help others fly too.
I host the FLY Widow Podcast and have created an online support group for widows!
Instagram: @flywithalishareed