Ain’t I A Woman: Deja Sanders

Ain’t I A Woman: Deja Sanders

When I decided to enter into a career in advertising I knew that it would be a journey without a roadmap. There were very few people of color in the field, let alone women of color. For years advertisers have driven the narrative of what brands stood for and who brands communicated with, often time stereotyping women or evading multicultural audiences.

I made it my mission to change the landscape of female leadership and creative thought leadership. It has been a journey one that was not with opposition from males counterparts who felt my voice didn’t hold any weight and that my presence was obligatory.

This journey has also had many rewards, I have been able to mentor young professionals and aspiring high school students in my community. I have been able to redefine what it means to have a seat at the table and have since been nominated to be the first black woman to serve as President the American Advertising Federation of Dallas for the 23-24 term. I have also begun the work of developing small minority owned business by introducing them to marketing tools and funding opportunities.

I am a woman through and through and this fight that is almost inherent in nature has only just begun.

Instagram: @Dr.Dej

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