Here’s How You Can Defy the Odds in Your Career

Defying the odds can be a huge challenge—especially within our careers. There are certain times when everything seems to align perfectly, however there are other times when things begin to shift. When facing the latter, it’s important to remain both confident and aware of these changes—no matter the odds. Sure, setbacks are bound to happen, but we must remember that it’s perfectly OK. What matters in these situations is how you handle them and shake back!

Here are three ways to defy the odds in your career and continue to move forward.

How to Defy the Odds in Your Career

  1. Remember, not all doors stay open.

Although we would love for areas in our lives to remain consistent and nearly perfect, life tends to show us that that’s not the case at all. When a door closes, don’t be so quick to try to reopen it. Stop and think to yourself as to why the door closed in the first place, maybe it’s better for your situation and you just can’t understand it just yet.

All things tend to come to an end, both good and bad—so it’s important to accept and appreciate those things while you have them, and move forward once their time has expired. Whether that’s with internal positions within your career or simply moving upward on the corporate ladder, whatever it may be, take it as growth as a professional within your career. 

  1. Keep in mind, you have to be your biggest supporter.

When it seems like no one else is rooting for you, it’s important that you are your biggest cheerleader and supporter. Never forget how to be your own support system. You have to remind yourself that you didn’t come this far for no reason, you worked hard and it took lots of patience and diligence to get to where you are. Things occur, and many times they are not in your control. Instead, find ways to keep going and push forward!

  1. Prepare yourself to put in the work.

Things don’t just happen. They take lots of hard work, patience and dedication. You have to be prepared to put in the work! Whatever it is that you must do to grow as an individual and employee within your career—do just that. Don’t let anything or anyone get in your way, go after exactly what it is that you are wanting.

After all, the only person that’s stopping you from reaching your fullest potential and success is you. So prepare yourself to put in the required work so that you may reap your benefits!   

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