5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Job Interview Presented by Cash App

Do you have a really big interview coming up and you’re trying your best to ensure you’re overly prepared? Asking yourself if you’ve memorized your resume, wrote down questions to ask post interview and researched your potential employer.

Taking time to think about what you truly want out of a job will help guide and prepare you for the interview. Remember, if you go into a job interview unprepared, you could run into a course of tough questions and risk your chances of not getting the job. As you prepare for your next job interview, consider these five tips presented by Cash App.

5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Job Interview

  1. Research the company and your interviewers

Going into a job interview blindly without prior research on your employer and interviewers is a recipe for disaster. To ensure you’re prepared and knowledgeable about the company you’re interviewing with, make sure you’ve done your homework ahead of time! The last thing you’d want is for a prospective employer to ask you a question about the company that you aren’t able to answer. This is your time to shine and let the company know you’ve done your homework.

  1. Be punctual

It is absolutely mandatory to be on time to any job interview. Coming earlier than the designated interview time shows your future employer that you’re punctual, organized and respectful of their time. Remember: If you’re not ten minutes early, you’re ten minutes late!

  1. Anticipate the ‘tough’ questions

In addition to talking about your experience and career path, you should always be prepared to answer the tough questions such as: why are you looking to leave your current role, why are you interested in this new role, what are your strengths and weaknesses? Tough questions aren’t anyone’s favorite, but they’re so vital when preparing for a new role.

  1. Prepare your own questions

As much as this is an interview for you, it is also an interview for your potential employer. It’s very common for the interviewer to allow time at the end of your interview to ask questions – always come prepared with questions! Taking the time to ask these questions will help you better determine if the company is the right fit for your career goals and life.

  1. Practice

Think of preparing for a job interview like rehearsing for a really big performance. Get confident with presenting a narrative about your career and yourself. Taking the time to practice out loud what you will say during your interview will help set the stage when the real interview takes place.

Ensuring that you’ve prepared for every aspect of your next job interview will not only help you feel self-assured but it will also keep you composed and confident throughout the process. You may encounter unfamiliar questions and potential curveballs, but utilizing these 5 tips when preparing for your next interview will ease that feeling.

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