5 Tools Every Small Business Owner Should Invest In

For any entrepreneur, starting a small business can be full of roadblocks. It can feel a bit intimidating and unmotivating especially when you’re first starting out. Here at Boss Women Media, we believe that the success of any small business owner should be investing in your business, and of course we aren’t going to leave you to figure it all out on your own.

Luckily for you, there are so many different tools and resources available to small business owners to be able to succeed in their industry. Below we’ve curated a list of five tools that you as a small business owner can use to grow, market, and amplify your business.

Check these tools out below to help you reach your fullest business potential!

  1. Google Analytics

When it comes to investing in a new business, one thing that’s extremely important and vital to your businesses success are analytics. How many people are you reaching with your website, what does your key demographics and target audience look like, where does majority of your traffic come from? All of these questions fall under the role of the analytic composition of your business. With the use of Google Analytics, you can use their services to help you access these things. You can view things such as the country origin of your audience, percentages, and even live views. Google Analytics makes it easy for their users to understand its breakdown and is literally an entrepreneurs best friend when it comes to numbers.

  1. DropBox

As an entrepreneur, you know how it is when you have files that are too large to email, so you have to result to sending those files another way. Luckily for you, DropBox is the right tool for that. DropBox allows its users to use a virtual link of all of your documents and information to share with anyone on your team. Whether it’s images, video clips, Word documents, or any other document—you can share them all through DropBox. DropBox also has a feature that allows its users to organize all of their files—through personal folders that can be accessed whenever and wherever.  

  1. MailChimp

When it comes to spreading the word about your business, as an entrepreneur you need to invest in a tool that makes it easy for you! MailChimp allows its users to not only use their resources to retain clients and target audiences, but it helps you create newsletters and emails to distribute to a large audience at once. By utilizing the services of MailChimp, business owners can keep in contact with their current database on a regular basis and establish an even bigger clientele.

  1. HootSuite

One of the main downfalls of small businesses is the lack of help and manpower. Many startup businesses are normally created by a group of individuals that are motivated, but wear many hats. If this is you—it’s time to invest in Hootsuite—a system that schedules post for any busy entrepreneur. HootSuite is a tool that is primarily used by Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that allows its users to schedule various post at different times on different days. This can be extremely beneficial to you if you’re the only one on your team and simply can’t do it all.

  1. WordPress

Blogging and content creation is so important in today’s social media savvy world when it comes to growing your small business. There are several website supporters that allows users to create an appealing website, however WordPress is one of the easier ones to use. WordPress makes it easy for you to create a blogging platform, a website, an ecommerce site, and anything else that may require a visual representation of your products and services. Both versions (WordPress.com and WordPress.org) allows users to utilize their many features.

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