6 Personal Investments to Make this Month
As women, we sometimes lack the necessary steps needed to invest into becoming our absolute best selves. It’s time for women to bring that energy into ourselves and concentrate on our own personal investments. Here at Boss Women Media, we believe in self-love and self-care and if you aren’t investing in yourself, how can you expect others […]
Do You See Yourself as a Woman that Knows Exactly What She Wants?

We as women know exactly what we want—to some extent. Sometimes it’s just not in complete reach to obtain. Whether you’re a woman that lacks confidence, a woman that’s indecisive, or a woman that simply doesn’t know what she wants—we’ve all been there and we know that you have your insights set on the right path, but […]
Refreshing Your Brand With These 5 Steps
Whether you are an entrepreneur or corporate queen, taking time to build your personal brand is crucial to growing your career in today’s market. You may think your reputation is enough to get your foot in the door, and in some cases it is, however alongside your reputation is another “r” word we like to […]
Showing Up For Women Beyond the Workplace
Women are special and truly make the world go ‘round. Without women, there are so many things that we wouldn’t have or couldn’t do. It’s important that we show our appreciation for not just the women in our lives—but for all women and what they bring to the table. Here are 10 ways to show up for women […]
What We’re Talking About this Week
Happy Memorial Day! We hope you are enjoying this extended holiday, spending time with those you love and honoring our service women and men who fight for our freedom. Here’s the news we’re catching up on this week: 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre: Monday marks the 100th anniversary for one of the worst acts […]