Home Hustlers Week 3: Redefining Beauty

On May 1, we kicked off our 4-week educational digital series, Home Hustlers: Beauty Edition   where we called all beauty makers, beauty influencers, content creators, wellness gurus and any woman desiring to take her brand in beauty, fashion, or wellness to the next level. In partnership with Creme of Nature, each month we’re bringing you the tools you […]

3 Ways to Identify and Develop Your Soft Skills Beyond the Workplace

Have you ever stopped and realized that many of the skills you acquired over time weren’t formally taught to you? Formally as in needing a four-year college degree to successfully develop and maintain those skills. Skills that teach you how to communicate effectively with others, or how to lead a team or even time management […]

Here’s When You Know it’s Time to Say No

When work becomes overwhelming, you may begin to feel the pressure of everything fall down upon you. Being a yes-man at your workplace is detrimental to your growth as an employee. Sure, some of us may suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out), but simply saying “yes” because you’re afraid of missing out is only hurting yourself in the […]

5 Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job (And Keeping It!)

Have you truly ever sat down and visualized yourself working your absolute dream job? A job in your dream industry where you truly get to wake up every single day and it feels like you aren’t even working. A job that you look forward to going to each and every day because you truly love what […]

6 Benefits of Having a Business Mentor

Making the decision to take on a business mentor can be a bit of a challenge. Finding out why you may need a business mentor and simply finding the best mentor for you can also be a challenge. Relying on a business mentor can be beneficial for several aspects in your life—professional development, personal development, mental development, […]