Is Your Businesses’ Website Functional? Here are 5 Tips for Designing a Functional and Easy-to-Navigate Website

It only takes the average viewer 5 seconds of landing on your website to decide whether or not your website is worth exploring. When a visitor lands on your website, can they immediately tell what it is your company does? Are they able to easily navigate to and from different pages if they need to? […]
5 Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur
Do you envision yourself as a successful, bad a**, boss a** entrepreneur? Do you think you have what it takes for the hectic, fickle, ever changing life of an entrepreneur? Being a successful entrepreneur begins with your character traits—who you are as a person, how you handle and adapt to certain situations, and how you […]
How to Lead an Effective Virtual Meeting

2020 has definitely been the year of drastic change. Having to transition from working from home has caused many companies to switch up their normal routine—specifically in the virtual realm. With the transition of working from home, many companies have been trying to find the most effective ways to make sure their team is able […]
What is Small Business Funding and Why is it Important?
Are you a small business owner currently wondering how in the world you’re going to get funding? Are you currently trying to get lenders and business executives to understand your brand and vision as to why funding is important for your brand’s growth? Are you wanting funding immediately, but just don’t know where to start? […]