Supporting Your Friend’s Business Without Spending a Dime
It costs absolutely nothing to support your friends in their business ventures. When it comes to giving them your support—you don’t have to break the bank to do so. With the evolution of technology, social media has made it so easy to give small businesses a platform to not only advertise and market their brand, […]
How to Stay Organized Like A B-O-S-S
Being organized is ideal for productivity and getting sh*t done. However, organization goes even deeper than the physical—psychologically it’s beneficial to your mental as well. You know the saying, “when you look good you feel good,” well when your work space or home space is organized—then you feel even better, and of course more productive. […]
3 Ways to Reach Your Savings Goal in 2020

Savings—such a bittersweet topic. The thought of having so much money saved up is the sweet part, but getting there is a tad bit bitter. The beginning of the year is when many people feel motivated to take those necessary steps to building their savings and making money moves. So why not make those New […]
6 Things You Should Let Go of to Promote a Healthier and Happier You
What makes you happy? Is it the people you surround yourself with or the luxurious vacations you go on once a year? Or how about being in a serene and tranquil state of mind where absolutely nothing or no one can break your energy? Whatever it is that makes you happy—it’s important to remain in […]