Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Every person I know is afraid of failure. Whether it’s a doctor, entrepreneur, lawyer, or mechanic—we’re all afraid to fail one way or another. Being afraid to fail is human nature, but in order to face your fears, you have to step outside of your comfort zone. Human egos become so engulfed in what we […]

Advertising 101: 5 Advertising Strategies for ANY Small-Budget Business

Having an effective marketing plan is absolutely one of the most important and essential things any business—small or big should have. However, it can be a bit difficult as a small-budget business owner with little to no capital to work with for big budgeting advertising. The good thing is, although you may be a small […]

Four Financial Lessons from Jay-Z’s 4:44 Album

Here at Boss Women Media, we love to celebrate black excellence from both men and women. What better way to do just that than to shine a light on one of hip-hop’s most prized artist—Jay-Z. Recently Jay-Z became known as the first rapper to become a billionaire at the age of 49. Clearly HOV is […]