Boss Women Highlight: Cocoa Swatches CEO, Ofunne Amaka Dishes on Her Makeup App

Ofunne Amaka a NYC native and the mastermind behind the beauty app, Cocoa Swatches. Cocoa Swatches is an app that focuses on all things beauty. Amaka uses her expertise in the field of communications to promote and uplift women of color in the media through not only beauty, but fashion as well. What makes Ofunne […]

Are You Constantly Broke? Here are 5 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Are

Most people don’t realize just how ‘broke’ they are until it becomes a pivotal point in their life. Financial stress hits us all at least one time or another in our lives—living from paycheck to paycheck, having to borrow money from family members, or simply just not having the money. If you are realizing that […]

10 Motivational Quotes to Guide You on Your Life Journey

For anyone traveling on this journey of life, there is absolutely one thing that’s for certain—the road can be extremely tough. There will be days that are better than others, but we have to find things in life that pushes us to keep going. Realizing that life comes with ups and downs, will better help […]