Struggling to Pay Your Student Loans? We may know why—4 Reasons why you’re struggling with your student loans
So you’ve gotten your fancy degree and now reality is finally setting in, and it’s time to pay back those student loans. You realize you never took a look at just how much debt you collected overtime from your student loans, and it’s finally sinking in—how will I pay for this?! Paying back student loans […]
Entrepreneurship 101: How to Avoid Burnout as a Business Owner
Being a business owner is not easy. There’s always something that needs to be done. It can be challenging to get away from work, even for a little while, when you’re constantly being consumed by it. Not taking the time you need away from your business to simply breathe and give yourself a break can […]
Books for Boss Women: 10 Influential and Inspirational Books Written By Black Women
Finding a good book is like finding a good pair of shoes—when they fit perfectly, you just know and you won’t leave the store without them! Being able to read and indulge in books that showcase the biographies and lifestyles of black women in our society gives us insight into just how their journey has […]
Boss Women Highlight: How former Fear of God Brand Manager Natalie Manuel Lee pursues her purpose in helping others find theirs
Natalie Manuel Lee has made it her mission to travel the nation, and explore the stories of some of the most influential people in the world—from fashion, to modeling, to filmmaking to singing all while trying to dig deeper into what they believe their purpose is. As the former brand manager OF Fear of God […]