Seven Traits of a Boss A** Entrepreneur

Do you envision yourself as a successful, bad a**, boss a** entrepreneur? Do you think you have what it takes for the hectic, fickle, ever changing life of an entrepreneur? Being a boss ass entrepreneur begins with your character traits—who you are as a person, how you handle and adapt to certain situations, and how […]

Four Ways to Reduce Your Stress-level as a Boss Woman

Being a busy boss woman is no easy feat. You’re constantly on the go, behind pulled in multiple directions by various people and it feels like you can never truly catch a break. Trust us sis, we know exactly how you feel! Those long 9 to 5 shifts can feel like forever, especially when it’s […]

This VP Shares Why Relationships Matter in the Business of Beauty

When it comes to building and maintaining relationships in the business of beauty—they absolutely matter. We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Denton-based beauty company Sally Beauty for this year’s Boss Women of the Year 2019 Summit. Below we caught up with the VP of Digital and Innovation at Sally Beauty JC Johnson, on […]